How to play Smash Bro’s Wii U

alexander August 7, 2012 Comments Off on How to play Smash Bro’s Wii U

The Nintendo Wii U is on its way to being released which raises many questions on just how will the new Wii U pad be utilized. There have been a few demos of the launch games showing off some creative and helpful ways to use the new tablet like controller that is the premise being the Wii U, but many games still have not revealed how the tablet will be used. One of the most anticipated games for the Nintendo Wii U is the upcoming installment of the Super Smash Brother’s series.


Following upon the success of the previous installments dating back to the Nintendo 64, the game’s popularity has continued to grow and be consistently successful. The Wii U installment is expected to continue the success, but with the new controller design, some serious questions are being raised. How will the game utilize the Wii U Pad? The Wii edition of Brawl offered gamers various ways to play the game, with options ranging from using the Nintendo Gamecube controller all the way up to using the full Wii mote and Nun-chuck controller option. While motion technology was the staple of the Wii, most people found themselves playing with the Gamecube controller.


Will the Wii U Smash Brothers face the same issue? Gamers buy new hardware to use new features, not continue playing the controllers from older generations. If the older generation technology works, and works best though, why shouldn’t it be used? Which raises the very question of whether innovation is really what the market wants. A mix of the two is also of course appropriate. What rules exists stating that a piece of hardware can only use one attachment hardware accessory?


Whether Namco offers multiple options to be used for the upcoming game or tells the player to only use the new technology is still to be seen, though multiple options is highly likely. The Wii U controller offers innovative ways to play the game though, making it likely that they will focus heavily on the new technology.


With that in mind though, what characters would best utilize the new tablet controller? Some rumors have stated that Pacman may be playable, while others have said comic book characters could show up.