Updated verison: www.youtube.com Here is EVERY NEW SET. Order: 1. Toad’s SideStepper Challenge 2. Wario’s Penguin Jump 3. Mario and Donkey Kong Beach Race (Box only) 4. Toad’s Standard Bike 5. Yoshi’s Standard Bike (Already out) 6. Bowser’s Standard Bike (Already out) 7. Diddy’s Standard Bike 8. Donkey Kong’s Standard Bike 9. Mystery Figure Bags ( Being Shipped to stores as of 6/29/12) 10. Buildable Standad Karts (Toad, DK,Diddy and for some reason Mario) 11. Single Motorized Kart Packs (Mario, Yoshi, Luigi, Bowser) (Already out) 12. Mario and Bowser Ice Race (Box and Track) 13. Bowser’s Buildable Standard Kart (Already out) 14. Mario and Diddy’s Fire Challenge 15. Ultimate Mario Circuit Shout out to: hkskater88 GigaGoombaXD wab608 K’nex SuperToad128
lol i just said that without looking at your comment.
compare ’em to what they look now, they look fan-made, look at the penguin and that sidestepper!
they neglected wario…
found it! v=h713YJI3v8s&feature=plcp
A look at these sets now, compared to what we have in stores, have a notable difference.