what mac are u using macbook iMac or macmini
I use Linux and must say, I got skyrim working at high quality without a hitch. So gaming on a Macintosh? Yeah its fully possible.
spore game looked like a sperm lost?
Why is mac so bad when it comes to games? I just want decent games! GOD DAMN IT APPLE, DON’T YOU SEE WHER THE MONEY IS AT?
what mac are u using macbook iMac or macmini
I use Linux and must say, I got skyrim working at high quality without a hitch. So gaming on a Macintosh? Yeah its fully possible.
spore game looked like a sperm lost?
Why is mac so bad when it comes to games? I just want decent games! GOD DAMN IT APPLE, DON’T YOU SEE WHER THE MONEY IS AT?