Brutal Legend: Pay, Rent or Pass (Game Review) This week on Pay, Rent, or Pass we take a look at the latest release from Tim Schafer and team from Double Fine Studios, it’s “Brutal Legend” for the Xbox 360. Everyone knows that Tim Schafer is a legendary video game storyteller but, the question regarding Brutal Legend is, will the gameplay match the great story? FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: TAGS: Brutal Legend Double Fine Productions EA UPC 014633193688 MPN 19368 machinima video game xbox360 playstation3 ps3 windows ea double fine productions jack black tim schafer band guitar hero rock singing lips axe roadie stage gig rolling stones devil satan hell zombie undead activision pay rent or pass prop video game review show yt:quality=high
this game is 6 bucks at Gamestop now, so i bought
Hey i like how the zualia have KISS paintings on ther face and the animals also remind me of them
Not emo. Black metal. Why does no one get that?!
Emo is not a genre of metal…. its pop punk.