C-Royd is back!!!

admin September 2, 2012 24


  1. phenomforever825mjfp September 2, 2012 at 6:31 PM -

    Hey C-Royd if Dudley was in Street Fighter X Tekken, who would you think his Partner sould be ? i would say Balrog they both are Boxers but its look like Balrog and Vega are going to be Partners in The Game

  2. elgueaga September 2, 2012 at 6:47 PM -

    jeezus christ sandy motel tried way to many throws

  3. awwnuts07 September 2, 2012 at 7:22 PM -

    A better show than The Sopranos? What sorcery is this?

  4. MartenVaster September 2, 2012 at 8:10 PM -

    Can u talk about ibuki in one of these live commentaries, what you think of her

  5. nastynas9000 September 2, 2012 at 8:17 PM -

    Some shitty play with Alex on C royd’s behalf.