Call of Duty Black Ops Game Review Wii

admin September 13, 2012 16

A description/ review on call of duty black ops for the wii. This includes gameplay from the map Array, and describes the game in detail 😉


  1. Javier Santos September 14, 2012 at 3:04 AM -

    conduit 2. it was a tough choice 4 me but worth it.

  2. Pwndinseconds September 14, 2012 at 3:28 AM -

    honsetly they are like the same, 007 is older than conduit 2 so there might be less players on it… It really just boils down to weather you like futuristic guns or modern day guns. I have the original versions of them both, and i can tell you i liked 007 better.

  3. PSP2GUY September 14, 2012 at 3:56 AM -

    @Pwndinseconds should i get goldneye 007 or conduit 2 next i have COD: BLACK OPS already i have a collection and mw3 wahoo

  4. hateifly September 14, 2012 at 4:31 AM -

    Black ops. Because on MWR, theres all this BS going on, with noobtubes(no way to counter them), martydom, juggernaut, etc. Plus, the hit detection sucks on it. Black ops is better.(Black ops still sucks to me, all CoD are old cars with a new coat of paint on..)

  5. Mendosa666 September 14, 2012 at 5:11 AM -

    Just so you know, cause I saw some of your earlier comments, you CANNOT play split screen on ANY gametype. For zombies you can play with up to 4 players, but for that game mode unless you’re the host, then you have to lag shoot like in MWR. Unfortunately for wii there is only the first map KinoDerToten without the other two zombie maps. Plus no DLC D: