Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow video game review of WII PARTY for the Nintendo Wii. As the title suggests, WII PARTY is a party game that utilizes the Nintendo Wii and the Wiimote. This CGR Undertow video game review features WII PARTY video gameplay footage and commentary. This review is from CGR reviewer Derek.
en catala!!!!!!!!!!
I love the wii best console ever. im a casual gamer, i dont like blood or horror in my games. Wii had the perfect catalogue for simple fun and the most stylish games like wii party. If you listen to its soundtrack, you’ll know what I mean. I love the wii
I think this is a very fair review, all my friends and I are obsessed with Wii party, its one of the best games (and most used) that I have bought. Of course, it helps that we’ve made up an entire life story surrounding one of the mii characters, Ian, where he lives in the volcano and captures children. But this was a very nice review.
this game feel like its a mii version of mario party 8 which doesnt mean its a bad thing
And then they say Nintendo games are not violent…
First in the GBA days we saw four Kirbys randomly deciding to hit a bomb around a field with frying pans and now today in the Wii days we have 3 friends randomly throwing large logs at a guy with boxing gloves…