CGRundertow COWBOY GUNS for iPhone Video Game Review

admin November 6, 2012 14

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Cowboy Guns from Chillingo for the iPhone. Cowboy Guns is also available for the iPad. Cowboy Guns is a top down shooter in which you play as a gun slinging hero known simply as The Kid. You play Cowboy Guns with your thumbs. There are two imaginary circle pads on either side of the screen, and you use those to move The Kid and fire his guns. Sadly, for all the things the game does well, this is where it misses the target. Using circle pads on the screen is a very clunky way to control games. Without physical feedback, your thumb is straying off the circle, you’re losing control…and you’re losing your patience. This video review features video gameplay footage of Cowboy Guns for the iPhone and audio commentary from Classic Game Room’s Derek. Check out more reviews from Classic Game Room at and For the latest trailers, visit Get more Classic Game Room on Facebook at and at


  1. MegaMonkeyExtreme November 6, 2012 at 11:11 AM -

    ugh, that music was dreadful

  2. TheSmackerlacker November 6, 2012 at 11:38 AM -

    That comment about ratings got me thinking. Does it occur to anyone else that naked women, a completely harmless and in fact, quite natural thing, should earn a game an M rating, while murdering endless waves of human-like characters is appropriate for just about anyone?
    If there’s anything you should be worried might disturb the minds of your children, I really don’t think that any part of the human anatomy should be it.

  3. ilikepieism November 6, 2012 at 11:38 AM -

    Needs android reviews

  4. Carlos Herrera November 6, 2012 at 11:53 AM -

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Virtual pads ain’t that bad: I played Sonic 2 and beat Metropolis Zone Act 3 on my iPod Touch 4, and all because I got used to the controls. It’s just a matter of finding out that sweet spot, like FastTquick said. Once you do, it feels rather good.

    It doesn’t beat real controls though, and I’d really like it if there were more development on physical controls on smart phones like Xperia Play, just with better specs…