Back in the day i actually thought “How can games possibly get any better than this?”.
Doom is a boss!
April 18, 2012 at 2:46 AM -
the music in this version creates a nice atmosphere but I would prefer the snes music cause that was badass, the should also have added a save feature in staid of a pasword system :/
April 18, 2012 at 3:04 AM -
I play this all the time on my Ps2.
April 18, 2012 at 3:49 AM -
dude this game has some fucked up music with baby cries and screams. It has its charm. So chill out.
April 18, 2012 at 4:31 AM -
Nice review. This version of doom has a new mug shot picture when you die of a jibbed death and the sound effects were reused in doom 64. Besides Doom 3 collector’s edition this is one of my favorite versions of Doom.
Back in the day i actually thought “How can games possibly get any better than this?”.
Doom is a boss!
the music in this version creates a nice atmosphere but I would prefer the snes music cause that was badass, the should also have added a save feature in staid of a pasword system :/
I play this all the time on my Ps2.
dude this game has some fucked up music with baby cries and screams. It has its charm. So chill out.
Nice review. This version of doom has a new mug shot picture when you die of a jibbed death and the sound effects were reused in doom 64. Besides Doom 3 collector’s edition this is one of my favorite versions of Doom.