CGRundertow TOMBA! for PlayStation Video Game Review

admin February 17, 2012 15


  1. hackensac February 17, 2012 at 6:03 PM -

    why isn’t this being re-released on he PSN ?

  2. Rezafeild February 17, 2012 at 6:56 PM -

    You are a retard. Tomba was the most badass game back then and is STILL badass now. This game is too rare to be hated on :/. I give your video a -1/5. I give the playstation and sony a 9000/5!

  3. torch1028 February 17, 2012 at 7:51 PM -

    I’m privilaged to own a copy of this game, I’ve been looking for the second one in the comic shops for years but to no luck 🙁

    anyways… this review is crap the controls are fine, just early. They actually are extremely simple to get used to.. now to go get disgusted by how they look at megaman legends

  4. MAH1500 February 17, 2012 at 8:04 PM -

    I played this game and it’s sequel, it’s called Tombi in Europe.
    They’re a very good Adventure/Platformers.
    Definitely an underrated gems for PS1.

  5. foamyfan231 February 17, 2012 at 8:14 PM -

    Okay, I agree with the whole bellyflop thing *Shrugs* but still, the controls aren’t that bad. They take time getting used to the jumping mechanics yes but it’s not really that bad