Classic Game Room – FLING SMASH for Nintendo Wii review

admin September 13, 2012 19

Classic Game Room reviews FLING SMASH for Nintendo Wii, an arcade style side scrolling adventure played with the Wii Motion Plus control for a unique gameplay hook that goes beyond jumping and timing. Fling Smash is like a combination of Tennis and Super Mario Bros., where your aim is more important than your timing. Fling the characters Zip and Pip around the screen like tennis balls as you smash your way through 8 worlds and numerous arcade style 2D levels. This CGR review of Fling Smash for Wii has gameplay showing Fling Smash played on Nintendo Wii with game play footage.


  1. 101brizzle September 14, 2012 at 4:03 AM -

    is the game short

  2. GamerNinjaX September 14, 2012 at 4:10 AM -

    its rediculous when they say that mario is for kids……what….I mean mario is freakin timeless how can you say it is for kids. And I said one day that I loved ZELDA on my ds and my fellow 7th graders LAUGHED????? who doesnt like zelda (playstation overinsaturators)

  3. buffandsweet33 September 14, 2012 at 4:15 AM -

    love this cool vibrant game!

  4. Jermz1997 September 14, 2012 at 4:28 AM -

    Yes but no Nunchuck.

  5. funymaggot12 September 14, 2012 at 5:06 AM -

    ITS SHINEY BUY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!