Classic Game Room HD – RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN Part 2, PS3

admin December 12, 2012 24

Review part 2 of 2. Classic Game Room HD explodes into first person shooter action on the Playstation 3 with a review of Resistance, Fall of Man for PS3! How is this game vs. Halo 3 and Bioshock? How is the PS3 vs. Xbox 360? How is the PS3 vs. Sega Genesis? Watch the review and find out. You are a Yank in Britain shooting aliens with a variety of fun weapons and this excellent shooting/action/adventure game that takes place shortly after WW2 in an alternate reality. This is an amazing first person military science fiction shooter that rocks the PS3 video game console and can be played online over the Sony Network. Ths game is only available on the PS3, you cannot get it for Atari 2600, 7800, Xbox 360 or even Colecovision. Be sure to watch the original Classic Game Room episodes. Classic Game Room was the original classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999-2000, now on DVD.


  1. jake palmer December 12, 2012 at 10:28 PM -

    dude just use the ps2 cables there the exact same as the ps3 cables

  2. HeLLVaderous December 12, 2012 at 10:56 PM -

    Quake +Medal of honor = RESISTANCE :)))

  3. Fat Squeek December 12, 2012 at 11:53 PM -


  4. pappaolof December 13, 2012 at 12:31 AM -

    Does it have co-op?

  5. theste99 December 13, 2012 at 12:39 AM -

    i just got this in a car boot sale for 1 pound