Hey, thanks very much. I’m so glad you enjoy them! Truly!
August 26, 2012 at 9:10 PM -
Man, you do some GREAT, informative reviews! You are totally cornering the market on Tubo Duo/ Turbo Graphix 16 games!!
August 26, 2012 at 9:31 PM -
Dead Moon has that distinctive “made for the TurboExpress” flavor with its slow pace & huge enemy bullets. Worse part is the title screen music (if you can call it that) : It strangely sounds like those pre-programmed beats that they put in those electronic keybords. You know, the beats that never starts & loop endlessly? Not the best from Natsume especially after playing Shadow of the Ninja on the NES…
August 26, 2012 at 9:58 PM -
Sigh…totally. I barely have enough time to do these little reviews. You know? Ha ha. 🙁
looks great if i may say so
Hey, thanks very much. I’m so glad you enjoy them! Truly!
Man, you do some GREAT, informative reviews! You are totally cornering the market on Tubo Duo/ Turbo Graphix 16 games!!
Dead Moon has that distinctive “made for the TurboExpress” flavor with its slow pace & huge enemy bullets. Worse part is the title screen music (if you can call it that) : It strangely sounds like those pre-programmed beats that they put in those electronic keybords. You know, the beats that never starts & loop endlessly? Not the best from Natsume especially after playing Shadow of the Ninja on the NES…
Sigh…totally. I barely have enough time to do these little reviews. You know? Ha ha. 🙁