Disney Epic Mickey is an action-adventure platforming game for the Wii that sends Mickey Mouse on an epic journey of creativity and discovery. As Mickey, the player is propelled into Wasteland, an alternate world made up of Disney’s forgotten creative efforts, and is given the power to wield paint and paint thinner to dynamically change the world while determining Mickey’s path to becoming an epic hero. www.facebook.com/DisneyEpicMickey Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to www.youtube.com – Rapid firing the latest game news, trailers, screens and art that true players don’t wanna miss out on.
Wow Oswald the lucky rabbit hes the original Mickey mouse hes as old as the steam boat willy cartoon all the way from 1928
Was that Glados?
due, this game is hella tight, oh and it was uplaoded a day before my birthday, but no one cares about that
March 25, MY B DAY 😀
this is a game