This is my best run on the 1st day of the 01/10 2nd Tournament, a “high-speed adventure” Time Trial on GCN DK Mountain. The tournament restricts controller use to only the Wii Wheel, but Mikey is quite adept at outward drifting on the Wheel and is eager to show off some serious controlled drifting skills. As a side note, I got a new flat panel TV recently and I’m still getting used to it. This is the first time I’ve made a video in widescreen, and in the near future I hope to improve the quality of my videos as well.
35 seconds wasn’t even possible on this tourney. The WR was 40.2xx or something.
You lie. The WR for this tourney was 40.2 or 40.3 iirc, and I had 5th American regionals with 40.705. So guess what? You’re saying you got 35 seconds? You didn’t!!
Um if you’re hit, you’re not faster than anything. If I take a shortcut you can’t, I’m faster. If I have a speed boost item and you don’t, I’m faster. And in the end it doesn’t matter who’s faster, it only matters who is across the finish line on lap 3 first.
meep … bikes are faster and that all the time….
Saying ‘manual is slow’ to me is the same thing as saying ‘the wii wheel sucks’ and ‘bikes are faster’. All 3 are wrong when you take into account other things like items, race track and player skills. And yes… I’m a show off, thanks for watching!