Getting Started on YouTube | FUT 12 Gameplay

admin June 27, 2012 16


  1. lkjhgfdsa412 June 27, 2012 at 4:31 PM -

    Great story. Just shows just keep on going and take the hate as constructive criticism and don’t let it dishearten you. Fifa is a better community than COD so you should have no problems of uploading Fifa videos. If only i could do it but I’m too lazy 😛

  2. Elit3KD June 27, 2012 at 5:16 PM -

    I really need a pvr xD

  3. idocodandfifa June 27, 2012 at 5:49 PM -

    that would be very nice:) it will be put towards the giveaway:) thankyou:)

  4. theFIFAfiary June 27, 2012 at 6:22 PM -

    I have another channel where I am uploading youtube videos with FIFA 12 I have a nice series going but I am lacking motivation… if you guys could check it out… it would mean alot 🙂 the channel is xBlakeFIFAx

  5. theconqueror13 June 27, 2012 at 7:19 PM -

    i have a question. i want to start with youtube but im 16 and m voice is very highpitched and annoying i must admit. i think it would definetly turn people away from my videos. do you think i should use a voice changer or just use my normal voice that sounds like an 11 year old on call of duty?