you can own more than one horse. you go to your stable and an icon will appear. REVIEW: This game’s translation of riding a mighty thoroughbred through cross-country events, dressage competitions and steeplechases gets it right with an interface and implementation that are much more fun and addictive than you’d expect, going in. This effort may not have the wealth of customization options and depth of basic care activities as its competing games in the DS virtual pet genre’s sub-category of horse sims, but its gameplay takes a clear first place. Game gives soft graphics that will easily attract the girl crowd. PROS: YOU CAN HAVE MORE THAN 1 HORSE!!!!! YAAAAAYYY!!! Easy Interfaces Great Graphics Not boring Great sound Cons: Grooming can get a little repetitive long loading periods Overall this game is great for any rider
Thank you for your reply. That’s a shame, I bought the wii version specifically so I could ride through the Grand Canyon!
when you go to the stable it will have a horse icon and says ‘change horse’ you will win the horses as the game ensues
hope this helps! i plan on making a video to demonstrate it.
i think that is the PC version you are speaking of
Can you buy another horse? If so where can you buy one.