uh that was pathetic rape? really i see you like black people, but dont tell the whole world abought your fantasies pretty embarasing. ps kid you are fat fuck and u mad because of it.
May 2, 2012 at 2:20 PM -
I am going to shit down your mothers throat, while I tie your penis up, I cut your urethra open forcing you to come her all over her beautiful face. I then get a pack of 12niggers to constantly rape her, and shit all over her for the next year. While you watch, I force feed you semen, and water just so you stay alive. Each day you wake up you will see your mother getting raped by a pack of niggers, and slowly you will get jealous. And they start raping you, and you love it. Because your gay.
May 2, 2012 at 3:16 PM -
I don’t think concept is the thing that’s bothering you.
May 2, 2012 at 4:04 PM -
U MAD BRO? some many bitches fell for the most simple troll.
but oh now caused a shit storm by insulting my family you just dont do that, i wanna beat you into bloody pulp and behead your mother while your in agony watching then im gonna take battery acid and inject it into your neck with syringe, and watch you slowly go bye bye, just kidding but be aware who you insult the internet is full of psychos, that might actually do something like that
uh that was pathetic rape? really i see you like black people, but dont tell the whole world abought your fantasies pretty embarasing. ps kid you are fat fuck and u mad because of it.
I am going to shit down your mothers throat, while I tie your penis up, I cut your urethra open forcing you to come her all over her beautiful face. I then get a pack of 12niggers to constantly rape her, and shit all over her for the next year. While you watch, I force feed you semen, and water just so you stay alive. Each day you wake up you will see your mother getting raped by a pack of niggers, and slowly you will get jealous. And they start raping you, and you love it. Because your gay.
I don’t think concept is the thing that’s bothering you.
U MAD BRO? some many bitches fell for the most simple troll.
but oh now caused a shit storm by insulting my family you just dont do that, i wanna beat you into bloody pulp and behead your mother while your in agony watching then im gonna take battery acid and inject it into your neck with syringe, and watch you slowly go bye bye, just kidding but be aware who you insult the internet is full of psychos, that might actually do something like that
where the fuck is mgs4