just before this, i think i lost to a denjin ryu who teleported all over the place. In all fairness, i was probably teleporting around just as much. WELL PLAYED, GOOD SIR
just before this, i think i lost to a denjin ryu who teleported all over the place. In all fairness, i was probably teleporting around just as much. WELL PLAYED, GOOD SIR
doesn’t the puke green NAT just mean that you’re connected via a router, but everything’s fine?
Do you think people bought this game? Some who did hate it. cos it wasnt rebalanced
GGs to you. Although, it’s laggy as hell. My inputs didn’t respond when we played. Especially when I knew what to expect from a Ryu player. Overall, I do hope they fix it cause delay input 0-4 doesn’t help 🙁
I see a block and all of a sudden no animation and I see some projectile or an overhead in front of my face.
Renique45 plays wtih us often during the streams at justin.tv / goforbroke.
Having good NAT is actually a burden in this game. Green NAT means you can connect to everyone, so you’re picked as host. Cos most people have no idea how to fix their settings to be good, you end up being screwed over for having a good connection.
I’m green NAT as well which means I end up getting paired up with the bell ends streaming songs, torrenting and generally being pish at “computings”.