Are there any helmets with sponsors on them like, Rockstar or Red Bull?
June 5, 2012 at 2:41 AM -
This game (Reflex) looks miles better than Alive. I just rented alive and I can’t bear doing the same race multiple times in a row.(I even tried mixing it up) Alive is missing a lot of polish and content. I don’t care if it’s 40$, I still expect more. Good thing I rented Alive at my Redbox. I was about to buy it, but instead I’ll save some cash by getting Reflex, which is SOO much better. THQ needs to get their shit right for the next one. I loved these game since MX Unleashed on PS2.
June 5, 2012 at 3:39 AM -
how much money do u start with
June 5, 2012 at 3:51 AM -
hey im goin to be starting a season soon just like in real supercross and stuff if your interested mssg me and il let u be in it. You will be on teams to like red bull fox and stuff
ilove reflex ^_^
Are there any helmets with sponsors on them like, Rockstar or Red Bull?
This game (Reflex) looks miles better than Alive. I just rented alive and I can’t bear doing the same race multiple times in a row.(I even tried mixing it up) Alive is missing a lot of polish and content. I don’t care if it’s 40$, I still expect more. Good thing I rented Alive at my Redbox. I was about to buy it, but instead I’ll save some cash by getting Reflex, which is SOO much better. THQ needs to get their shit right for the next one. I loved these game since MX Unleashed on PS2.
how much money do u start with
hey im goin to be starting a season soon just like in real supercross and stuff if your interested mssg me and il let u be in it. You will be on teams to like red bull fox and stuff