To get th secrete tv channel, you hit the remote. To get Santa to play the songs, you throw the PRESENT at him hope I help :p
September 10, 2012 at 1:55 AM -
My secret for playing is, whatever I wanna hit, I read the number at the bottom, then make that inches away from what I wanna hit. So of I wanna hit the guy, and the arrow is pointing to the left, with a 2.00, then I would aim 2 inches to the right of the guy. Works every time my high score is 75 exactly
September 10, 2012 at 2:00 AM -
U have to tap the elf 50 times
September 10, 2012 at 2:36 AM -
September 10, 2012 at 2:38 AM -
NO IDEA. PISSING ME OFF TOO! Were you able to get the secret song?
To get th secrete tv channel, you hit the remote. To get Santa to play the songs, you throw the PRESENT at him
hope I help :p
My secret for playing is, whatever I wanna hit, I read the number at the bottom, then make that inches away from what I wanna hit. So of I wanna hit the guy, and the arrow is pointing to the left, with a 2.00, then I would aim 2 inches to the right of the guy. Works every time
my high score is 75 exactly
U have to tap the elf 50 times
NO IDEA. PISSING ME OFF TOO! Were you able to get the secret song?