I tried a slightly different approach this time; this is a tad more edited, and features footage of the game. It didn’t turn out as nice as I had hoped(if anyone knows what I can do with the camera so that it doesn’t pick up those black bars, please enlighten me), but placing the camera in front of the TV is currently the only way I know of capturing game footage from the Wii. I still think it turns out best when I just stand in front of the camera and rant. I have been playing the game daily for a couple of weeks. This is intended to help people determine if they want the game or not. I have also made this video of hints for it: www.youtube.com Asusual, any and all feedback is very welcome. You can post here, send me a message or email me a Grann-Bach@jubii.dk. If you email me, be sure to include review and/or the title of one of the things I’ve reviewed in the subject line, or I may delete it, thinking it’s spam. – Andreas Grann-Bach
Thank you
I’m glad you liked my review. I haven’t tried the regular My Fitness Coach.
I have this game and I was nodding at most of your comments you made. I’ve made perfect punches and they said they were misses. One of the exercises they offer is the guy who tell u what to punches your suppose to do. For some reason if I move a little bit my wii they count it as wrong. It’s fun to do and add to all my exercises I do it’s something fun to but not my main focus cardio exercise. I do however, love the regular My Fitness Coach though.