First GamePlay video (work in progress) of “Spectral Souls – Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires”, a gorgeous full scale Tactical RPG for android scheduled to hit Google’s android market by end of 2010. – Musics are in-game musics. – NO Sound Effect in that preview. – Running on the Samsung Galaxy S (Android OS). Be a Fan on Facebook :
This was like 50 bucks when on the PSP.
THANK GOD!!! I love how the loading time is eliminated unlike the psp version which was a pain to play through
Iphone vs. Android supremacy war aside, this damn game costs to much for a phone game. There are apps in the marketplace that reduce your battery usage and speed up your phone and those come 0 – 6.99$. This game is $14? Blantant ripoff.
We’ve had all of those since day 1, ff1-9, chrono cross, chrono trigger, I could go on for days listing old rpg and jrpg classics, and all with regular market apps no jail breaking or ‘hacking’ required. Show’s how “-Elite” you really are, more like delusional. For future reference, an Apple fan-boy’s argumentative strength is never found in calling something overpriced, the irony there is just a bit overwhelming.