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3 Rare Games That Should Be Made
RARE was once the staple company for Nintendo. Having such classic hits on their resume as Jetpack, Donkey Kong Country and Goldeneye, the company has a history of success. Despite their vast history, ever
Read More »Donkey Kong KO’ed
The arcade king was Kong, Donkey Kong. Featuring the man that would later become Mario and the ape that would later become a star of his own, Donkey Kong got off to a great
Read More »Are You an Assault or a Tactical Player of Shooters Game?
A lot of gamers have a lot of preferences when it comes to the video games they play, but some of these games do dictate the approach of players in a situation for cinematic direction. There are games that keep action oriented gamers
Read More »Mario Kart Disaster
Mario Kart is one of the staple series from Nintendo. Its first entry came on the Super Nintendo and has since seen some further addition to the franchise on near every Nintendo console. Having
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