The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword E3 2010 Debut Trailer [HD]

admin February 25, 2012 12


  1. Majorasword64 February 25, 2012 at 12:46 AM -

    @1971MegaScorpio Yes that would be awesome!

  2. MrIamthenewone February 25, 2012 at 1:29 AM -


  3. MrIamthenewone February 25, 2012 at 2:28 AM -

    Together let as explore the stars, concur the dessert,eradicate disease tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts of commerce, Let both sides unite in all corners of the earth. Let both sides join in creating a new endeavour not a new balance of power but a new world where the strong are just, and the week secure, and the peace preserved. Let us begin. Will you join in that historic effort. Will you join in that historic effort? -JFK

  4. MrIamthenewone February 25, 2012 at 3:03 AM -

    Now you just say this isn’t a popularity contest. It isn’t about your behavior. It isn’t about the fact you call everyone fantard. It isn’t about the fact you’ve already been proven wrong. It’s about the game and your OPINION of it, keep clinging on there buddy we all have opinions. ALL THE REVIEWERS ARE WRONG? Omg. Just omg.

  5. MrIamthenewone February 25, 2012 at 3:27 AM -

    There you go again with, and?
    And no I haven’t seen you point out why.
    You just keep saying you did but even if you did I’m not going back 3 months to read them. I did go back a month tho and it seems someone else already tossed this out the window not just nowistherimetochange