The Totally Rad Show – Little Big Planet 2 | Gameplay Review PS3

admin July 23, 2012 20


  1. superfuturamafreak July 23, 2012 at 1:46 PM -

    this game to me as perfect in every a huge fan of the first game and media molucule.the physics work perfect with it.all the new tools are perfect for fans and earns a lbp 2.the story levels are more fun.i have the collectors edition and its search filters are really helpfull.and you can REALLY make any thing you want to. BEST GAME EVAR

  2. kakapopopipi1 July 23, 2012 at 2:46 PM -

    the funny thing is the graphics r really good and i know this video dont show that very well but its more about the gameplay mechanics that r really impressive. hell im 25 and i love this game its such an old school game its the modern Mario

  3. MrPorterladd July 23, 2012 at 2:51 PM -

    tell me whats so good about it its definatly not da graphics anyway??

  4. kakapopopipi1 July 23, 2012 at 3:27 PM -

    lol u got to be joking, great game and its that complex it could never be a 360 cuz they carnt handle it

  5. kakapopopipi1 July 23, 2012 at 4:25 PM -

    this game is the best!!! but dont try making levels cuz ive made afew levels but carnt get anyone to play them and there good levels that take hours to make. its just bullshit the way lbp1 had it was way better. if u made a level people could find it and play it but thats not the case on lbp2 its shocking. sort this problem out MM let people play new levels your search systom is shit