i need some help. i am searching everywhere for answers regarding the caddie option. my father and i like to host golf nights with my uncles and theres four of us. so my question, can you turn off caddie mode, and is there a option to have like the button configuration like 2011 game. and another question. can you like have like a 2 or 3 round tournament. cause we want to play tournaments but in 2011 you cant. we have to write down the scores. plz help and thank you in advance.
March 6, 2012 at 10:00 PM -
@qtvo Thanks a lot for the info on the Move Controller. Your info was priceless.
I am finally getting into this PS3 device. I have had it for better than 3 years and it’s been sitting next to my TV literally collecting dust…Because of my golf and what I have heard of its capacity, I’ve decided to get into it. Thanks again for your great video… I must admit, this Move Controller is quite responsive…
I have tried both controllers. But I did not try to change clubs while using the Move yet.
March 6, 2012 at 10:22 PM -
Hi! If you use the Move controller, you simply need to press and hold the trigger button (T) while performing your swing. That’s the only button you need to use. To select the type of shot you want to make or change club, you must use the L1 or R1 button on the normal controller. You can also use the normal controller to change the direction of your shot. If you’re still confused, simply tell me which part you need more clarification on.
March 6, 2012 at 11:03 PM -
This is a great video review. I play golf but video golf is very new to me despite of having my PS3 since it was released. I have the Move Controller but I cannot make a swing because I don’t know which Control Buttons or combination to use on the Controller….I wish you would have addressed that. Otherwise, This is an excellent objective and well constructed review.
i need some help. i am searching everywhere for answers regarding the caddie option. my father and i like to host golf nights with my uncles and theres four of us. so my question, can you turn off caddie mode, and is there a option to have like the button configuration like 2011 game. and another question. can you like have like a 2 or 3 round tournament. cause we want to play tournaments but in 2011 you cant. we have to write down the scores. plz help and thank you in advance.
@qtvo Thanks a lot for the info on the Move Controller. Your info was priceless.
I am finally getting into this PS3 device. I have had it for better than 3 years and it’s been sitting next to my TV literally collecting dust…Because of my golf and what I have heard of its capacity, I’ve decided to get into it. Thanks again for your great video… I must admit, this Move Controller is quite responsive…
I have tried both controllers. But I did not try to change clubs while using the Move yet.
Hi! If you use the Move controller, you simply need to press and hold the trigger button (T) while performing your swing. That’s the only button you need to use. To select the type of shot you want to make or change club, you must use the L1 or R1 button on the normal controller. You can also use the normal controller to change the direction of your shot. If you’re still confused, simply tell me which part you need more clarification on.
This is a great video review. I play golf but video golf is very new to me despite of having my PS3 since it was released. I have the Move Controller but I cannot make a swing because I don’t know which Control Buttons or combination to use on the Controller….I wish you would have addressed that. Otherwise, This is an excellent objective and well constructed review.