Top 5 MMORPG’s | 2011

admin August 24, 2012 19


  1. CODZOMBIE1940 August 24, 2012 at 10:27 PM -

    Skrillex I wand to kill everybody in the world Remix Original is better SKRILLEX JEAHH <3

  2. BombEveryWall August 24, 2012 at 11:10 PM -

    Well wow can fallout anytime it wants… the company has made enough money to buy a whole country and name it Blizztry

  3. rayasish August 24, 2012 at 11:25 PM -

    WoW wont last for that long, belive me. It’s been out for 8-9 years and it is “coming of age” and most people do know that. In the upcoming years there will deffinetly be new released MMo’s which will top WoW in every ascpect, but the reason why WoW may stay popular it’s because of it being one of the first MMo games that made an impact on the gaming world.

  4. pantelis rempakos August 24, 2012 at 11:44 PM -

    it still is do you know why? first wow sold 2.2 million copies first day … outlands expansion 2.6 million copies sold first day wotlk 2.8 million copies breaking blizzards record and now cataclysm with 3.5 million copies ! breaking this record once again now people think pandaria is shitt but trust me the people will keep playing this game untill blizzard ends up with it see that people dont anymore like it (we migh not live untill that time ;p)

  5. rayasish August 25, 2012 at 12:20 AM -

    *It was.