“Top Ten Upcoming Games”::June 2011-March 2012::Xbox 360/PS3/PC

admin July 5, 2012 19


  1. AlMalkiQtr July 5, 2012 at 9:50 AM -

    u said it bro, i hated black ops and i am 5th prestige in mw3 on PS3 its sooo coool and …. and if you said till march 2012 why didn’t post naruto ultimate ninja storm generations?

  2. StyrbjornStarke July 5, 2012 at 10:24 AM -

    You forgot Silent Hill

  3. 18bevo July 5, 2012 at 10:30 AM -

    yeah i totally hear you. like if you got BF3 a year after release the online wouldn’t be nearly as fun, but for red dead it won’t really matter at all i think. like i know it has online but it’s not even critical to the story or anything. plus the better deals are on the re-release editions anyway with the DLC built in

  4. TheChainsOFMisery July 5, 2012 at 11:08 AM -

    yeah exactly…you gotta pick your battles…some games you HAVE to get the day they launch,others can wait till a better offer comes along.especially blockbusters focusing heavily on single player like red dead or rage cause you know game of the year and platinum edition are gonna be out soon.besides,its not like the single player campaign is goin anywhere…bf and mw and other multiplayer games are a different story tho’

  5. 18bevo July 5, 2012 at 11:41 AM -

    okay man i totally feel you there. like i am just about to go get the red dead redemption game of the year edition because it is cheaper and it includes all of the DLC content, which is a way better deal right?