Trophy Adventures – Top 10 Hardest PS3 Trophies

admin October 29, 2012 15

Thanks for getting this video over 5000 views ^^ This is my first official video and a top 10 list of the hardest PS3 trophies I’ve earned. I hope you enjoy. Quality for the most part is quite good as well =D The Moogle picture was drawn by my lovely pseudo-little sister Nicole Kuik. The games displayed are owned by their respective companies. The random pictures were found on Google Images. The voice and script are mine. Fan mail to Link to my public PSN trophy lookup


  1. scab268 October 29, 2012 at 11:32 AM -

    I ment to say I only have one

  2. scab268 October 29, 2012 at 12:10 PM -

    I only have omega trophy in this list I beat hardcore mode on dead space 2

  3. angelofdeath2874 October 29, 2012 at 12:29 PM -

    You left one out unless you don’t have it. Grand theft auto 4 Auf Wiederson Petrovic trophy. You have to win at every variation of multiplayer modes. It could take months and after you do every requirement it could glitch and still not give you the trophy. Talk about frustrating . I’ve got several friends who only need that one for gta4 platinum but they gave up after it glitched.

  4. megasean3000 October 29, 2012 at 1:07 PM -

    Mortal Kombat 9: My Kung Fu is Stronger. I’ve been trying to get it for two months now, but even though I’m about 85% there, I’ve still not got it T^T

  5. ff7fan321 October 29, 2012 at 1:45 PM -

    When I made the video I hadn’t done much in NGS2. However, I recently beat path of Mentor and started Master Ninja. It would definitely rate among the harder ones. But still not as bad as Dead Space 2 Hardcore.