Thanks for getting this video over 5000 views ^^ This is my first official video and a top 10 list of the hardest PS3 trophies I’ve earned. I hope you enjoy. Quality for the most part is quite good as well =D The Moogle picture was drawn by my lovely pseudo-little sister Nicole Kuik. The games displayed are owned by their respective companies. The random pictures were found on Google Images. The voice and script are mine. Fan mail to Link to my public PSN trophy lookup
that deadspace one is brutal. what about the one in megaman 10, “clear the game without getting hit”……for a silver trophy….
@TheElectroclown (cont.) but nothing rage inducing. 3 wasn’t too bad for me. Now i’m wondering if i should crack it open and make it be my first legit ps3 plat since it would be easy and be a “proper tribute.” lol just read my typo from before “platinumums” – i like it
@TheElectroclown i don’t have any ps3 platinumums (mostly just cuz i don’t try for them and play as long as i enjoy the game) but ironically enough on my ps2 i completed every little thing in sotc (except for going to the top of the tower where the forbidden fruit is) but it doesn’t count of course even tho i bought the HD remake. Whadda bummer : / idk if i wanna redo every little thing again even tho it is my fav game of all time. I thought had some challenge in timed hard mode was 6 & 12, but
I think getting all gold trophies for one gold trophy in Gran Turismo 5 is pretty much the hardest of all. It should be up there. And to consider collect 1,000 cars and get a bronze for it? Thats hard.
This depends on the definition of “hard”
You mean it in term of skills, and me in term of absolute value.