Thanks for getting this video over 5000 views ^^ This is my first official video and a top 10 list of the hardest PS3 trophies I’ve earned. I hope you enjoy. Quality for the most part is quite good as well =D The Moogle picture was drawn by my lovely pseudo-little sister Nicole Kuik. The games displayed are owned by their respective companies. The random pictures were found on Google Images. The voice and script are mine. Fan mail to Link to my public PSN trophy lookup
skyrim: unbound, took forever to get that!
None of them are the platinums. Platinum trophies are easy to get, they pop right after getting all the others. No additional work. So, it’s the other trophies that make up the challenge.
Which of those are platinum trophies?
Unreal Tournamet 3 .beat the campaing on INSANE mode. rage quit asured .well unless you are UT god
gt5 is easily my toughest platinum, i dare somebody to name a tougher platinum! lol, its tougher than any fighting game, tougher than DS2 by a million miles, tougher than wipeout, tougher than ng2, most trophys people say are difficult are just time consuming, people say demons souls platinum was tough but while the game is tough at first you soon master it! i beat demons/dark souls at sl1 and had so much fun doing it!