Vuzix AV920 – I don’t like them.

admin June 2, 2012 20


  1. torrentz333 June 2, 2012 at 7:33 PM -

    Like ive always said, New tech takes along time before it works nicely. One day not to far from now virtual reality will be “the next big thing” and will be fun and enjoyable. And i wouldnt doubt that one day you can put on contacts that will do the same as these glasses…and who knows maybe we can just “plug-in”….Blue or Red pill? lol

  2. c02pistolman June 2, 2012 at 8:07 PM -

    ok i agree with the stop whining its your opinion thing. but i got to say you would buy them because you did 😛
    good review but stuff the retro games get a ps3+gt5+dfgt you got yourself a 3d sim :O boo ya. wont be needing that saga now.

  3. dogeymon83 June 2, 2012 at 8:55 PM -

    – Dude trust me, turning the lights off and sitting in front of a huge HDTV in your living room is going to be massively more enjoyable than using a pair of these glasses. There’s no comparison. I think virtual reality headwear is a lost cause and has never really worked, and still doesn’t work, like we always it would. Go with the HDTV.

  4. jm357m June 2, 2012 at 9:07 PM -

    I wanted one of these after I played fear 2 the other day, but if it like a 50 inch screen from ten foot, why don’t I just turn off the light and sit 3 foot from my telly,? I want a been there sort of thing and these reviews turnin me off em.

  5. dutchcrimesNL June 2, 2012 at 9:59 PM -

    could you play call of duty black ops in 3d with it and in HD?
    tell me please and if its the same as a samsung 3d tv?

    beceause i wanna buy a glass or a 3d tv ?