Zenonia 3 Android Game Review

admin September 13, 2012 10

Short and sweet review of a new Android OS game I’ve been playing and just can’t put down! Interesting (Although sometimes overly cheesy and predictable) storyline and very easy to learn to play! Great option for those looking to explore some new games for their Android phone! Official App page: market.android.com


  1. fortify1123 September 14, 2012 at 3:12 AM -

    I use TIKL on my HTC Sensaton!

  2. kettmz September 14, 2012 at 4:11 AM -

    why are u searching for android then? because thats how you did come here.. are you frustrated apple let you down with no iphone 5 and do you have to troll some nice video?

    I read you name as VirtualBully, says enough.. go sit in a corner and play with your iPod since you cant pay a iPhone yet.

  3. kettmz September 14, 2012 at 4:44 AM -

    why are u searching for android then? because thats how you did come here.. are you frustrated apple let you down with no iphone 5 and do you have to troll some nice video?

    I read you name as VirtualBully, says enough.. go sit in a corner and play with your iPod since you cant pay a iPhone yet.

  4. kettmz September 14, 2012 at 5:34 AM -

    why are u searching for android then? because thats how you did come here.. are you frustrated apple let you down with no iphone 5 and do you have to troll some nice video?

    I read you name as VirtualBully, says enough.. go sit in a corner and play with your iPod since you cant pay a iPhone yet.

  5. VirtualBilly September 14, 2012 at 6:29 AM -

    ipods are better than androids.