I wish the producers of BIO/Mercs could read the description, they would lough so hard all day long…
April 23, 2012 at 6:20 AM -
We didn’t care much about the flash at the end. The end part was HORRIBLE and all we wanted was 900k. Since we lost time we just wanted to FINISH the run finally, so I threw that flash. We hoped for a 152 combo or so, but that didn’t work unfortunately. Also, we found it quite funny and special for a WR run, a finish with a flash.
It’s actually a 950k fail cause the end part wasn’t average. We usually build much more time.
April 23, 2012 at 6:59 AM -
930k fail , u could’ve dashed the spider and the majini at the end but the flash ruined everything
I wish the producers of BIO/Mercs could read the description, they would lough so hard all day long…
We didn’t care much about the flash at the end. The end part was HORRIBLE and all we wanted was 900k. Since we lost time we just wanted to FINISH the run finally, so I threw that flash. We hoped for a 152 combo or so, but that didn’t work unfortunately. Also, we found it quite funny and special for a WR run, a finish with a flash.
It’s actually a 950k fail cause the end part wasn’t average. We usually build much more time.
930k fail , u could’ve dashed the spider and the majini at the end but the flash ruined everything
good shit!
congratulation to your WR score! nice teamwork!