Now I thought I would do my top 5 PS3 games of 2011 and just before Christmas so then you can either buy or rent them. Here is my top 5. 5) Saints Row The Third 4) Portal 2 3) Child Of Eden 2) LittleBigPlanet 2 1) Uncharted 3 Drake’s Deception The one to avoid is Duke Nuken Forever
Where’s Skyrim???
I agree with you (even though I don’t own a PS3, PC gaming ftw) on some of your game choices but Skyrim would be easily #1 (I know Uncharted Series is awesome though). Trust me you should get it, I can’t say enough praises about it.
Anyways good job!
even tho i am not a passionate gamer like you i totally agree with your ranking and your comments to the games
No prob. You will be pleasantly surprised once you do
No worries.