Call Of Duty7:Black Ops Multikill/Mix Montage~

admin November 3, 2012 2

Working on editing skills so decided to make a montage. Im not that good but enjoy πŸ˜€

2 Comments Β»

  1. 64xD November 3, 2012 at 2:55 AM -

    Right. Okay then, Ill give you my moms Flash drive XDο»Ώ mines effed up >.>

  2. ragso1 November 3, 2012 at 3:30 AM -

    Thx for the fav andο»Ώ like angie πŸ˜€
    Also gimme a flash and ill give you my apps atleast 8gb+
    Also nothing to do with Tapil, He cant use his laptop so no beats off him for a while.