Dracula is a fictional character, INSPIRED by Vlad III the Impaler. Dracula was never a real person. I would be careful making implications as to who may be ignorant when you base outrage on incorrect information (or when you’re looking to a video game with vampires and giant spiders for historical accuracy).
August 28, 2012 at 9:36 PM -
ok nice graphics and gameplay. but why untill now nobody gived a fuck about the enemies design? for the most of them is great but for orlox? the creature? carmilla? they looks like a bad “buffy” monsters…shamefull compared to the romantic baroque that the series since SotN gived to us…and the story? so satan is the enemy and gabriel becomes dracula? Dracula IS an existed character… Vlad Tepez 3 of Valachia “the impaler”… westernize mean make it ignorant?yes. it does.
August 28, 2012 at 9:49 PM -
shadow of the collosus
August 28, 2012 at 10:19 PM -
iam probably gonna get many games that didnt get good ratings from ign and gamespot!
like dante inferno,castlevania, and prince of persia
August 28, 2012 at 11:18 PM -
haha I like how you say its not like god of war right when it goes into cinematic button pressing. But in all honesty I understand what your saying. great review
Dracula is a fictional character, INSPIRED by Vlad III the Impaler. Dracula was never a real person. I would be careful making implications as to who may be ignorant when you base outrage on incorrect information (or when you’re looking to a video game with vampires and giant spiders for historical accuracy).
ok nice graphics and gameplay. but why untill now nobody gived a fuck about the enemies design? for the most of them is great but for orlox? the creature? carmilla? they looks like a bad “buffy” monsters…shamefull compared to the romantic baroque that the series since SotN gived to us…and the story? so satan is the enemy and gabriel becomes dracula? Dracula IS an existed character… Vlad Tepez 3 of Valachia “the impaler”… westernize mean make it ignorant?yes. it does.
shadow of the collosus
iam probably gonna get many games that didnt get good ratings from ign and gamespot!
like dante inferno,castlevania, and prince of persia
haha I like how you say its not like god of war right when it goes into cinematic button pressing. But in all honesty I understand what your saying.
great review