CGR Undertow – GOLDENEYE 007 for Nintendo Wii Video Game Review

admin September 24, 2012 14

Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow video game review of Activision’s GOLDENEYE 007 for the Nintendo Wii. GOLDENEYE 007 is also for the Nintendo DS; this is an updated version of the classic 1997 GOLDENEYE for the Nintendo 64 (N64). Pierce Brosnan has been replaced by Daniel Craig, the latest James Bond. There have been some tweaks made to the story here but the same excellent gameplay is still present. Fans of the original will rejoice and a whole new generation of first-person shooter fans will be exposed to the greatness that is GOLDENEYE 007, whether in its new manifestation or old. This CGR Undertow video game review features GOLDENEYE 007 video gameplay footage and commentary. This review is from Classic Game Room’s Derek.


  1. ShinyChocobo September 24, 2012 at 11:37 PM -

    IMO, this game looks better than the Reloaded version.

  2. YayBeerReviews September 24, 2012 at 11:56 PM -

    I can remember going over to my best friend’s house and setting up a huge sheet of plywood in front of his big screen tv to cut the screen in half and play multiplayer death matches . What a great game that was. I think I might have to consider this new one for my Wii, but I am very turned off by the snub to Brosnan.

  3. TheSorrel September 25, 2012 at 12:54 AM -

    Of course Nintendo owned Rare. They had most of its shares and after many of the lead designers left and Microsoft bought 51% of Rares shares, Nintendo sold the 49% they had. And now Microsoft owns the company.

  4. GangrenaD September 25, 2012 at 1:43 AM -

    They didn´t OWN rare, don´t be ridiculous! It was partnership. They still developed Killer Instinct for Arcades. Microsoft Overtook the company by buying it´s shares. Many employees quit and the rest is history

  5. TheSorrel September 25, 2012 at 1:59 AM -

    Yes, Nintendo owned Rare, but the game was still made by rare and only published by Nintendo. It is a Nintendo game, but Nintendo themselfes didn’t make it.

    Goldeneye Remake came out on Wii first because of that, yes.