Part 1 of 2. Watch in High Definition! Classic Game Room HD reviews MIRROR’S EDGE for the Playstation 3 PS3. This Mirror’s Edge features gameplay footage from Mirrors Edge during the video game. Watch Faith leap from building to pipe to fire escape like Spiderman cast in Run Lola Run. This first person shooter FPS style game could not be more different from an average FPS because the point of the game is to flow through each level with speed and precision rather than shooting everything. Mirror’s Edge is a unique and creative game with an incredible sense of detail, speed and height. Want to stand on top of a 60 story building and leap off? Well, you can do that (and not make it!). Scale buildings, leap enormous distances and run from the blues as they try and machine gun you. This review is from the PS3 version of Mirror’s Edge which does include trophy support from Playstation Network, Mirrors Edge is also available on Xbox 360. The game plays at a smooth and crisp 1080P with excellent sound design. Classic Game Room is the HD PS3 reviewer reviewing Mirror’s Edge gameplay footage for this best review of Mirror’s Edge on YouTube as voted by Classic Game Room. Watch the review everyone is talking about if everyone was talking about it! Classic Game Room reviews PS3 Playstation 3 games, word! Is Mirror’s Edge the best game of 2008? Memorize levels and learn tips and tricks by watching gameplay and playing the game. Earn achievement points in Mirror’s Edge on Xbox 360.
actually, EA has plans for a sequel on the new xbox 360