Classic Game Room HD reviews WALK IT OUT! for Nintendo Wii from Konami. This family friendly exercise game for the Wii is a creative way to make walking less boring. You earn credits for each step that you take to the beat and spend those points on buildings, bridges, trees and other items to built a fantastic island! This clever game works with the standard Wii and Nunckuk controller, Dance Dance Revolution mat and Wii Fit Balance Board. Walk it Out features dozens of pop songs from groups like the Go Gos and Black Eyed Peas. As you’re exploring the island you can also collect new songs and play mini-games. Walk it Out for Wii works fairly well and requires players to march in time to the music, although you can also walk in circles. This CGR review of Walk it Out has gameplay from the Wii video exercise fitness game Walk it Out from Konami
Great video! And you are an amusing narrator! LOL
their smiles are so weird lol