F1 2012 – Xbox and PS3 First Patch INFO 250th video : www.youtube.com It Would Be Awesome If We Could Hit 60 Likes!!! Subscribe Here For MORE F1! : tinyurl.com FOLLOW Me On Twitter twitter.com THUMBNAIL & INTRO BY : twitter.com Music : www.youtube.com ALL CONFIRMED DETAILS : New / Updated Features On PS3 only we’ve enabled the full rotation for 900 and 1080 degree steering wheels. This will require the player to set their wheel up using the options available, specifically we suggest setting the Wheel Saturation to around 65 — 70% as a good starting point. Added an option to turn the Parc Ferme rules on or off in online Custom Race, Co-Op and LAN games. This option can be found within the Simulation Settings and defaults to on. Setting this to off will allow players to set up their cars in Qualifying sessions and will also allow players who join in progress during qualifying to edit their car setup before the race. Added a Skip Session option so players can leave any session without having to complete it. Made Pro level AI quicker so that the time gap to Legendary AI is smaller. Changed the Prime tyre compound to Hard for Suzuka. This change will not affect Time Attack which will continue to use the Medium compound tyre. Added a white cross to the DRS OSD to indicate to that it is unavailable because of a fault. Improved the lighting on Singapore. Weather Reduced the frequency of wet weather races for all tracks greatly reduced it for Sakhir (Bahrain). Fixed an issue …
Is the Pro difficulty a lot harder than it used to be? It was pretty much perfect for me…I’m on the fence about download the patch.
I need help people how are on Xbox how do you get 3 laps on caree
What day is the release? ps3