Don’t try to reason with him; the words he uses alone betrays his knowledge of the game. Anybody who plays it knows the game isn’t a brutal gore-fest; it’s more about the art direction and story.
May 8, 2012 at 11:43 AM -
Dude, this is just a game and made it into a adult version of alice of wonderland…
May 8, 2012 at 12:24 PM -
ghey and lame. this alice sucks. alice is a blonde little girl. this is some chick from sucker punch or something. nice job completely abandoning the original story because we have to sexually objectify prepubescent girls and throw some blood in to jerk off to. society is officially over.
May 8, 2012 at 12:28 PM -
Actually….I played it again and it’s LONGER on Nightmare mode! (Seems longer anyway
May 8, 2012 at 1:11 PM -
Actually….I played it again and it’s LONGER on Nightmare mode! (Seems longer anyway..)
Don’t try to reason with him; the words he uses alone betrays his knowledge of the game. Anybody who plays it knows the game isn’t a brutal gore-fest; it’s more about the art direction and story.
Dude, this is just a game and made it into a adult version of alice of wonderland…
ghey and lame. this alice sucks. alice is a blonde little girl. this is some chick from sucker punch or something. nice job completely abandoning the original story because we have to sexually objectify prepubescent girls and throw some blood in to jerk off to. society is officially over.
Actually….I played it again and it’s LONGER on Nightmare mode!
(Seems longer anyway
Actually….I played it again and it’s LONGER on Nightmare mode!
(Seems longer anyway..)