ey Im professional BALLET dancer. You can ask me to give you ballet show
February 28, 2012 at 11:33 AM -
beat that architect on the Wii! YEAH!
February 28, 2012 at 12:08 PM -
@Rotard12a pc doesn’t have coop
February 28, 2012 at 1:07 PM -
@JeepintheMud02 The Real one (get it!?)
There were Three versions. The first was for systems that could had powerful graphics, (PS3, 360, PC) the second was for those that little graphics power (PSP PS2 and Wii) and the third was for those which had basically no power (DS)
All three are pretty different and it’s not really worth comparing them directly since they’re aimed at different audiences. Never played the DS version, but I personally enjoyed the PC version more than Wii. Try ’em out
February 28, 2012 at 1:43 PM -
This game had a great storyline but needed to be longer. An amazing game though
ey Im professional BALLET dancer. You can ask me to give you ballet show
beat that architect on the Wii! YEAH!
@Rotard12a pc doesn’t have coop
@JeepintheMud02 The Real one (get it!?)
There were Three versions. The first was for systems that could had powerful graphics, (PS3, 360, PC) the second was for those that little graphics power (PSP PS2 and Wii) and the third was for those which had basically no power (DS)
All three are pretty different and it’s not really worth comparing them directly since they’re aimed at different audiences. Never played the DS version, but I personally enjoyed the PC version more than Wii. Try ’em out
This game had a great storyline but needed to be longer. An amazing game though