@EB1089 this is just like jailbreaker for iphone its a game not a hack try it
March 7, 2012 at 6:15 PM -
can you download this for iphone???
March 7, 2012 at 6:25 PM -
hw do u beat da rocket part on adventure mode cuz evrytime I get 2 da end of the level da rocket door opens up then it crushes me, hw would u beat it?
March 7, 2012 at 7:22 PM -
@EB1089 It’s likely a clone. The developer, DroidHen, has a bunch of cloned iOS games. City Jump (Ninjump clone) and Fruit Slice (Fruit Ninja clone) come to mind…
March 7, 2012 at 8:13 PM -
Wow: this game seems to be an *EXACT* rip of an iOS game called OvenBreak. Everything down to the ‘Jump’ and ‘Slide’ buttons on the left and right, the animations of the runner, even the sound collecting the items makes is OvenBreak. Don’t know if this is mere coincidence (I doubt it). Seems like they took OvenBreak’s engine somehow… o_O
@EB1089 this is just like jailbreaker for iphone its a game not a hack try it
can you download this for iphone???
hw do u beat da rocket part on adventure mode cuz evrytime I get 2 da end of the level da rocket door opens up then it crushes me, hw would u beat it?
@EB1089 It’s likely a clone. The developer, DroidHen, has a bunch of cloned iOS games. City Jump (Ninjump clone) and Fruit Slice (Fruit Ninja clone) come to mind…
Wow: this game seems to be an *EXACT* rip of an iOS game called OvenBreak. Everything down to the ‘Jump’ and ‘Slide’ buttons on the left and right, the animations of the runner, even the sound collecting the items makes is OvenBreak. Don’t know if this is mere coincidence (I doubt it). Seems like they took OvenBreak’s engine somehow… o_O