I rented and played this game and i gotta say, its a decent game at best, it has its quirks like boring firefights and sometimes the AI is stupid but its good for a shooter game. No multiplayer though since people don’t play online at all
January 9, 2013 at 4:23 PM -
And DS. :3
January 9, 2013 at 5:23 PM -
well I have goldeneye 007 for the n64 and after I kill the bad guys I just mess around and shoot things. can you do this in this game or are you on a timed mission where you are heavily restricted to just missions? I’m gonna collect every game for the PS2 that plays like GTA.
January 9, 2013 at 6:18 PM -
No, you just do missions. The Bond games have always been somewhat linear in that sense.
yup you’re right !
I rented and played this game and i gotta say, its a decent game at best, it has its quirks like boring firefights and sometimes the AI is stupid but its good for a shooter game. No multiplayer though since people don’t play online at all
And DS. :3
well I have goldeneye 007 for the n64 and after I kill the bad guys I just mess around and shoot things. can you do this in this game or are you on a timed mission where you are heavily restricted to just missions? I’m gonna collect every game for the PS2 that plays like GTA.
No, you just do missions. The Bond games have always been somewhat linear in that sense.