@FaNaPhOnE haha i won’t do tht cuz i know tht’s a big sin to do
March 4, 2012 at 4:12 AM -
@daehee19 header and stole her monet
March 4, 2012 at 4:42 AM -
@FaNaPhOnE hahaha i plan to, but she won’t listen to me ;’O
March 4, 2012 at 5:18 AM -
@daehee19 i get a xbox 360 and i’m lazy to study yeah, but i had to study to have dis awesome shit lol
you shouldn’t listen to her, she doesn’t know that happiness when you’re openning the ps3/xbox box, and when you’re playing with it first time and tell you “dat thing is now mine :’D”
March 4, 2012 at 5:49 AM -
@FaNaPhOnE cuz she thinks tht ps3 isn’t a useful thing to buy, and if she bought me to buy that thing i’ll be lazy to study haha lol
@FaNaPhOnE haha i won’t do tht cuz i know tht’s a big sin to do
@daehee19 header and stole her monet
@FaNaPhOnE hahaha i plan to, but she won’t listen to me ;’O
@daehee19 i get a xbox 360 and i’m lazy to study yeah, but i had to study to have dis awesome shit lol
you shouldn’t listen to her, she doesn’t know that happiness when you’re openning the ps3/xbox box, and when you’re playing with it first time and tell you “dat thing is now mine :’D”
@FaNaPhOnE cuz she thinks tht ps3 isn’t a useful thing to buy, and if she bought me to buy that thing i’ll be lazy to study haha lol