I’m sure I mispronounced something here so there’s no need to point it out… Special thanks to Nick Huggett (youtube channel: swagshow) for (lame joke alert) making this review a reality. NEW DISCLAIMER FOR NEW-COMERS: I do not automatically rate every game high. I use the full grading scale, unlike most, and 5 stands for average. Even if you disagree, you are fully welcome to share your own opinions in the comments provided they are written in a mature manner.
Are you not an Anime fan? You should never review a game of a style you dont like. Referencing Jap story telling as being terrible means you need to stop reviewing Jap games but remember Japs are the corner stone for all games being released today. Sorry dude.
does this game got japanese voices ?
Its educational in its own way as i hate history but i get to know chopin’s life while listening to his great works. &the reasons i still play this game every now and then are the battle system and The voices. &also,sometime i put the game in my console just to listen to his works when i need rest from the stress of the world
I kind of agree but disagree a LOT in this review.Thanks to this game,i now know who chopin is&i now appreciate his works more&my favorite is fantaisie-impromptu.
Yeah but there are other games I still have to play and still other JRPGS as well, don’t know if I will get this. Maybe