Look at My Channel If You Need A Real Microsoft Point Generator, Thumbs Up If This Helped You
March 8, 2012 at 8:40 AM -
@GamerzUtube i have gears 2 and its not working even though it was instaled to my hard drive
March 8, 2012 at 8:43 AM -
does it work for online
March 8, 2012 at 9:41 AM -
Bungie today broke the story that the first cinematic for the soon to be released Halo Reach has mysteriously posted online on different gaming websites Also yeah I can help you out, you can watch it here. URL is below.
This cinematic is so sick, it totally blew my mind haha. You could hit me up on Xbox Live if you wanna destory some noobs, my user name = flyyannick2863
March 8, 2012 at 10:08 AM -
Soooo, what’s the big deal? How do you benefit from downloading it on your hard drive of you still need the disc?
Look at My Channel If You Need A Real Microsoft Point Generator, Thumbs Up If This Helped You
@GamerzUtube i have gears 2 and its not working even though it was instaled to my hard drive
does it work for online
Bungie today broke the story that the first cinematic for the soon to be released Halo Reach has mysteriously posted online on different gaming websites Also yeah I can help you out, you can watch it here. URL is below.
This cinematic is so sick, it totally blew my mind haha. You could hit me up on Xbox Live if you wanna destory some noobs, my user name = flyyannick2863
Soooo, what’s the big deal? How do you benefit from downloading it on your hard drive of you still need the disc?