What’s wrong with Poodle Porn? PP’s great! I don’t know why there aren’t more people into PP… When you tell people you’re into PP most of the time, they’ll just laugh at you! People can be so narrow-minded when it comes to Poodles…
July 2, 2012 at 11:16 PM -
It can be fairly chalenging and there is a higher difficulty setting to go on which offers a pretty good challenge. Overall the game isn’t that though though, but it’s no brainless button masher either. Especially some bosses will need some strategy to defeat.
July 2, 2012 at 11:54 PM -
Is this game challenging?For what I can see,it’s just hacking and slashing
What’s wrong with Poodle Porn? PP’s great! I don’t know why there aren’t more people into PP… When you tell people you’re into PP most of the time, they’ll just laugh at you! People can be so narrow-minded when it comes to Poodles…
It can be fairly chalenging and there is a higher difficulty setting to go on which offers a pretty good challenge. Overall the game isn’t that though though, but it’s no brainless button masher either. Especially some bosses will need some strategy to defeat.
Is this game challenging?For what I can see,it’s just hacking and slashing
4:36 wiggle wiggle wiggle!
this game looks awesome